Iran wants to sanction DW Farsi editorial staff - Statement by Director General Peter Limbourg | DW's press releases | DW | 26.10.2022
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Iran wants to sanction DW Farsi editorial staff - Statement by Director General Peter Limbourg

According to several news agencies, the Iranian government wants to sanction European politicians, journalists, institutions and companies.

The Farsi editorial team of Deutsche Welle (DW) is named in a statement by the Foreign Ministry. Iran accuses the listed individuals and companies of "supporting terrorism." The sanctions include travel bans and asset freezes.

DW Director General Peter Limbourg: "The regime in Iran has been threatening our Farsi editors and their families for some time now. This is unacceptable. The regime promotes terrorism internally and externally. I expect politicians in Germany and Europe to increase the pressure on the regime. The fact that we appear on such a list now will not stop us from providing our users in Iran with reliable information."

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